Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Minat Membeli Nature Republic

Survei pada Perempuan di Open Chat Line Pengunjung Situs Web Female Daily

  • Salman Naning


Abstract: Electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) is a stimulus in the form of messages in which individuals discuss, promote or recommend a company's products/services to other customers. This study aims to determine whether there is e-WOM on women's interest in buying Nature Republic in the open chat line of visitors to the Female Daily website. The theory used is stimulus response. This study uses a positivism paradigm with a quantitative approach, and an explanatory survey method. Respondent data was obtained from distributing questionnaires, then analyzed using Pearson's product moment correlation analysis, and simple linear regression analysis. Based on the hypothesis test, it can be concluded that there is e-WOM on the interest in buying Nature Republic. Based on the coefficient determination test, the level of correlation or relationship is 0.693 which indicates a strong relationship. This shows that there is an influence of e-WOM on buying interest by 48%.

Keywords: buying interest, e-WOM, female daily, stimulus response theory

