E-sport Curriculum Literature Study and Game Industry Development
The rapid development of the game industry has made games a part of today's life. Games that were used only as entertainment have penetrated into the field of sports, which is called e-sport. E-sport has also begun to develop in Indonesia, as evidenced by the presence of several e-sport teams and professional competitions in Indonesia. In this proposal, the development of an e-sport curriculum is proposed. The goal is for an organization/industry body/school that views e-sports as a new sports culture and is ready to support and whenever possible participate in developing prospective e-sport athletes to be more skilled, focused, and disciplined, as well as sportive. Training and development are systematically designed so that prospective e-sport athletes can obtain the right learning outcomes. The result of this program is the design of an e-sport curriculum that can educate people to become e-sport athletes who are disciplined, agile, responsible, trained, and purposeful.
Hak cipta jurnal ini ditugaskan untuk KALBISCIENTIA sebagai penerbit jurnal berdasarkan pengetahuan penulis, sedangkan hak moral publikasi merupakan milik penulis. Setiap publikasi cetak dan elektronik dapat diakses secara terbuka untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian, dan perpustakaan. Dewan editorial tidak bertanggung jawab atas pelanggaran hak cipta kepada pihak lain selain dari yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Reproduksi bagian mana pun dari jurnal ini (dicetak atau online) hanya akan diizinkan dengan izin tertulis dari KALBISCIENTIA: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi.