Pengembangan Gim Kuis Pengenalan Sejarah Perang Dunia I Berbasis Desktop

  • Zanuar Fitrian Ardi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Harya Bima Dirgantara Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis


The purpose of this research is to create an educational quiz game about the introduction of  history of World War I desktop-based and can be run on a desktop with a Windows 10 operating system. This game was built using a 2D unity game engine. the method used to make this educational game using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method. This method consists of 6 stages:  Initiation, Pre-Production, Production, Testing, Beta, and Release. In the final results of the educational game about introduction of World War I history with the title "Kuis Perang Dunia 1" has a minimum specification using the Windows 10 operating system. from the total of 12 respondents that have submitted to author, 66.7% of respondents can understanding world war I history after playing this game.

