Penerapan Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning Modul Sales Pada All About Merch Store Menggunakan Odoo

  • Shyerene Eka Putri Santoso Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Lufty Abdillah Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Kata Kunci: ASAP, ERP, Modul Sales, Odoo


All About Merch Store is a medium-sized business located on Jln. Sunan Giri No.1 Rawamangun, East Jakarta. All About Merch Store is a shop that sells various merchandise from Korean artists. The problem with All About Merch Store is that there is a lot of data on customer goods orders that are not recorded so that sometimes many customer orders are not recorded and delivered according to order. This study aims to create a sales system that can help All About Merch Store simplify the process of recording sales data. The results of this study are the implementation of an ERP system using the Odoo application using the Sales module with the ASAP method which has been adjusted to the needs and business processes in sales.

