Kajian Ekspresi Diri pada Ruang Publik Dunia Maya dalam Perspektif Ontologis Layanan Internet World Wide Web

  • Tedi Lesmana Marselino Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Kata Kunci: internet, public space, private space, self-expression, ontology, WWW


The use of the internet has a tremendous impact in terms of speed and forms of expression—the ease of spreading messages results in a flood of information full of diverse content. On the one hand, not everyone who receives information can filter and or respond appropriately, which causes the expression of mutual attack that is no longer based on straight rational considerations. The question is whether the internet as a medium is wholly unregulated or controlled by the government and can be left free? Is there no publicity of internet regulation as part of the conditioning of order and order in the common interest? Is it under the pretext that internet democracy can be used freely? This paper attempts to provide a solid argument through the search of the ancient Greek meaning of private and public space and an in-depth analysis of the World Wide Web (WWW) services so that from there comes a logical reason why the internet can and can be regulated in the common interest.

