Sistem Pendukung Harga Saham dengan Metode Linear Regression dan Simple Keputusan untuk Prediksi

  • Ilham Nefriardo Armaz Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Harfebi Fryonanda Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Keywords: decision support system, linear regression, prediction, simple moving average, stock price


This research is conducted to solve existing problems in the stock market such as fluctuating
prices and decisions to be taken on the stock market. A common problem encountered is the difficulty
of knowing stock price trends over a given period and using the analysis used in the stock market.
Technical analysis allows to know stock market price based on trend by using Simple Moving Average
which have accuracy level 96,39 and Linear Regression which have accuracy level 94,91. The purpose
of this research to produce decision support system that can be used as a prediction with the method
of Simple Moving Average and Linear Regression that can be compared the level of accuracy. This
application is a solution to determine the stock price prediction in a certain period.


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