Aplikasi Media Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pelajaran TIK Berbasis Animasi Multimedia Untuk Anak-Anak Kelas 1 SD
The impact of advances in Information and Communication Technology include the use of
multimedia facilities in teaching and learning activities. At present teaching materials and evaluation
tools in the form of multimedia-based applications are widely used, ranging from formal education
to elementary, secondary, higher and non-formal education. Evaluation of learning in the form of
examinations or tests is one of the measuring tools used by teachers to test the success of teaching
and learning activities, but there are still many who have not utilized information and communication
technology in the form of multimedia devices even though facilities have been provided by the
institutions where they work. In general, the Teachers prefer to use conventional media in the form
of question papers compared to multimedia-based questions, this is what inspires writers to create
multimedia-based ICT Lesson evaluation applications using Adobe Flash. The objectives of this study
are: (1) helping elementary school teachers provide evaluation questions, (2) making it easier for
Grade 1 children in working on evaluation questions, The research method used is the Prototyping
process model. The results of this study are an application of learning evaluation based on multimedia
animation, published in national journals that are not accredited.
Hak cipta jurnal ini ditugaskan untuk KALBISCIENTIA sebagai penerbit jurnal berdasarkan pengetahuan penulis, sedangkan hak moral publikasi merupakan milik penulis. Setiap publikasi cetak dan elektronik dapat diakses secara terbuka untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian, dan perpustakaan. Dewan editorial tidak bertanggung jawab atas pelanggaran hak cipta kepada pihak lain selain dari yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Reproduksi bagian mana pun dari jurnal ini (dicetak atau online) hanya akan diizinkan dengan izin tertulis dari KALBISCIENTIA: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi.