Perancangan Sistem Pendataan Permohonan Surat Izin Mendirikan Bangunan di Kecamatan Lubuk Sikarah Kota Solok

  • Refli Noviardi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Harfebi Fryonanda Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Keywords: data collecting system, imb, java, mysql


This research has been done on Lubuk Sikarah subdistrict office city of Solok by collecting
data because the system that used to work still not optimal. Therefore, analysis of the data collected by
the system design tool that aims to optimized IMB data processing using Java Netbean programming
language and database MYSQL. This research method used is a field of research, there are research
libraries and research laboratories. Thus, it produced a new system analysis using tools such as ASI(Flow
Information System), DFD(Data Flow Diagram), ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram), and the Context
Diagram. These tools will be generated several interrelated files in a database management. And the
new system is expected to improve the quality of IMB petition data processing sistem on suddistrict of
Lubuk Sikarah Office.


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