Perancangan Visual Jatayu Dalam Komik Ramayana Sebagai Bentuk Eksplorasi Seni dan Budaya

  • Li pie Liu Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Vicky Septian Rachman Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis


This design is intended to develop Jatayu, the character from the Ramayana epic as a form of enriching diversity in an effort to introduce culture. When analyzing the Ramayana story, several side characters, one of which is Jatayu as a character, do not get appreciation due to several factors. This design is also carried out to reintroduce folklore which is currently being forgotten. Comics as a medium for introducing and appreciating culture are expected to be able to attract the attention of the audience, especially the younger generation because it has an appeal that is favored by readers.

