Analisis TOGAF ADM Fase A Pada Arsitektur Enterprise Klinik Giri Husana Nganjuk
The Giri Husana Nganjuk Clinic, located in the Bagor sub-district, Nganjuk district, is a health service institution that provides various services, such as inpatient, outpatient and emergency department, but the operational activities of the Giri Husana Nganjuk clinic are still done manually so that services are hampered. Therefore, the clinic management decided to take advantage of the application of enterprise architecture by using TOGAF ADM. The purpose of this study was to review the implementation of the ongoing TOGAF ADM phase A enterprise architecture at the Giri Husana Nganjuk clinic. The research method used in this research is the R&D (Research and Development) method. The research and development method is a research method used to create certain products, carry out the testing phase, and re-examine to determine the effectiveness and success of implementing a product. The expected results of this research are to ensure that the implementation of the TOGAF ADM enterprise architecture at the Giri Husana Nganjuk clinic is running optimally, and to see the potential for developing the TOGAF ADM enterprise architecture for the Giri Husana Nganjuk clinic in the future.
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